The Videocurriculum

The Internet is increasingly present in the recruitment process. More and more companies require their applicants to have extensive knowledge of the Internet and the digital world. In recent years a new curriculum model that leverages the capabilities that the digital world can offer is now used. This model is called videocurriculum .

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The videocurriculum is nothing more than a video presentation in which the applicant talks about himself, his skills, abilities, accomplishments and ambitions. It is a "promotional video" of the applicant.

There are already several companies engaged in preparing video resumes for the candidates. In the United States , the pioneer of video sharing includes YouTube, Google Video and so on where people can upload their videocurriculum. The next step is to send a link to those companies that interest them, with the ultimate goal of getting an interview.

And while companies specializing always guarantee professional results, anyone can record their own videocurriculum at home. It only takes a video camera and a computer with Internet connection. It's simple: record your strengths to a job and spread it among companies that interest you.

Web Curriculum

Another creative option is applying as a Web Curriculum staff. A Curriculum Web is a personal website designed as a curriculum such as a presentation of your skills, abilities and achievements which is then posted on the Internet for any employer to access it.

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This innovative curriculum models have the advantage that leverages the capabilities of digital media. Thus, multimedia support lets you include photos, attachments, parts of speech or even link your personal page with your videocurriculum . It also has the advantage that you can update at any time, adding new courses you've done, expand or restructure work experience to your interests.

Finally, the characteristics of the medium, without any limitations, means you can submit your resume to employers around the world, regardless of physical distance.
In contrast, the main drawback of this type of curriculum is the lack of habit of many companies, which are still very rooted to the traditional paper resumes. Therefore, it is advisable to use the curriculum web as a complement to traditional paper resume. Yes, including the web address in the text on paper, so the employer can go if you want them to know you better.

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